ORC Week 4 | Half time + product procurement

It’s that halfway mark of the spring 2021 One Room Challenge! We are officially in week 4 and last week was basically a half time break for me. I had big plans of what I was going to get done — visions of painting and staining danced in my head. But the week had other plans for me. Luckily, I had my Transformation Guide ready to help me know what to do next.

I didn’t take into account that last weekend was my birthday! So I treated myself to a little spa day with one of my girlie friends at the W on Saturday and spent Sunday (my actual birthday) letting my family wait on me. Can you tell I like to be treated like a queen? 🙃 The entire weekend was shot for DIY projects but for me, that was the right decision because we all need some #selfcare.

It has been raining for what feels like forever (in reality it’s been a couple weeks) here in Austin so I made a decision to put the staining on hold until we have better weather. I plan on doing this outside and, from experience, I know that the humidity will slow the drying time. I can’t leave my bespoke, freshly stained cabinets to fend for themselves in my backyard in a rainstorm! And I’m very sensitive to smells so it won’t be drying inside either. This weekend’s forecast is not bad so fingers crossed I can make some headway on the staining.

The painting just didn’t get done. I have no excuses. I simply didn’t prioritize it. But it’s ok because I still have time!

So Heather, did you do anything?

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Well, dear fellow DIY Diva, I did!

It wasn’t anything that photographs well or makes for a great Instagram post but it was important to making sure the project can be completed on time and in full. That’s the reality of transforming a space. For awhile, it can look like you’re not doing much and there can be a lot of waiting! But once you have all the pieces in place, it’s easier to put the puzzle together.

So this week I did the un-sexy but very important and necessary work of product and material procurement.

I now have (almost) everything I need to get this project done!

✓ Wallpaper coming in hot from Australia.

✓ Custom window panels — ordered. I decided against making them myself because time. But I believe there are 2 types of DIY — DO it yourself and DELEGATE it yourself. This is one of those delegating moments.

✓ Wall trim — sitting in the garage.

✓ Paint and all the necessary painting supplies are on deck.

✓ All the products in my design concept are either already here or on their way to me.

So while I may not have completed my plan to have the built-in stained and the whole room painted, I am well prepared to get those tasks done. The next few weeks will be smoother sailing now since I won’t have to worry about whether things will arrive in time or not. (Except for that ceiling light I still haven’t committed to. 😬)

Product and material procurement is generally the next step of the transformation process once the planning is complete. I provide my design clients with a Transformation Guide that outlines exactly what to buy, complete with links so all you have to do is “add to cart". Then while you wait for your products and materials to arrive, you can work through the rest of the steps included in the guide.

Next week I WILL have some actual updates to show! I know the room will look completely different than it does now and the transformation will be well underway.

Remember to check out the One Room Challenge featured designers and other guest participants to see how their transformations are coming along! Did you know Better Homes & Garden is the media sponsor for this challenge? Go check them out, too!


ORC Week 5 | Walls walls walls


ORC Week 3 | Design Concept